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How much can I earn with EazyBot?

EazyBot does not guarantee any returns on investment.

However, I recommend visiting, where you can see the results of trading with $1,000 on each available cryptocurrency and how the performance evolved over nearly 500 days.

statystyki wydajności eazybot

The bot’s revenue depends on market conditions and the specific cryptocurrency it is trading. Below, you can see an example of earnings from EazyBot after the first, second, and third month. Keep in mind that just because these bots generated the following income does not mean you will achieve the same results.

wyniki tradingu w eazybot po 3 miesiącach
Each of the four bots was funded with 598-600 USDT.

The reinvestment option was enabled, meaning that every generated profit was automatically reinvested.

KryptowalutaZysk po 1 mc.Zysk po 2 mc.Zysk po 3 mc.% zysk po 3 mc.
Solana76.20 usdt114.50 usdt131.84 usdt22,04%
AAve30.89 usdt78.89 usdt103.59 usdt17,29%
Monero15.22 usdt47.76 usdt63.98 usdt10,68%
ETH Classic21.90 usdt102.86 usdt135.10 usdt22,59%

The profit after N months represents the cumulative total profit.

EazyBot bots are capable of generating a monthly revenue of 5-10%.

Below is an example from my account, where I activated the bots from September to December 2022, meaning they have been running for over a year. As you can see, the total profit is $822.36.


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