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Integration of EazyBot with KuCoin Exchange

Our instructions may slightly differ from what you see, as exchanges update their interfaces from time to time.

Setting up an account on KuCoin #

If you don’t have a KuCoin account yet, click this link >> and fill out the registration form by entering your email address and account password.

Założenie konta na giełdzie KuCoin

You will then be redirected to a page where you need to confirm your email address by entering the code sent to it from

Aktywacja konta na KuCoin

KuCoin does not require KYC, so you don’t need to scan your driver’s license, ID card, or passport.

Log in to your KuCoin account.

Hover over the icon in the upper right menu and select API Management.

zarządzanie API na KuCoin

To secure your account, you must:

  1. verify via SMS or use 2FA authentication with the Google Authenticator app,
  2. set a trading password.
Weryfikacja API na KuCoin
After choosing the first option, you will see a screen where you need to enter the verification code from the email.
Weryfikacja API na kucoin

Next, install the Google Authenticator app on your phone, scan the QR code from the site, and then enter the 2FA code from the app and click Activate.

2FA na KuCoin

The second step is to set up a trading password. To do this, hover over the icon in the upper right corner and select Account Security from the dropdown menu.

Ustawianie hasłA do tradingu na KUcOIN

Click Configure in the Trading Password section.

Ustawianie hasła do tradingu na KuCoin

Enter the 2FA code from the Google Authenticator app.

kod 2FA zabezpieczający na KUcOIN

Set and confirm your trading password.

ustawienie hasła do tradingu na kucoin

Your account is now ready.

Creating an API on KuCoin for EazyBot #

Now we will connect your EazyBot account to the KuCoin exchange.

Hover over the icon in the upper right menu and select API Management.

Utworzenie API na KuCoin dla EazyBot

Click Create API.

Tworzenie API na kuCoin

You must fill out the form:

  • Enter your API name (e.g., EazyBot),
  • Enter a password (you must remember it),
  • Select Trade, allowing EazyBot to trade only, without withdrawing funds,
  • Click Yes and enter the EazyBot IP address to restrict API access from other IP addresses,
  • Click Add.
Ustawienia utworzenia API na KuCoin

To confirm EazyBot’s access to KuCoin, you must enter:

  1. your trading password,
  2. the verification code from your email,
  3. the 2FA code from the Google Authenticator app.

Finally, click Confirm.

Hasło zabezpieczające 2FA do utworzenia API na KuCoin

Then, check your email to confirm the API creation.

Potwierdzenie na e-mailu utworzenie API na KuCoin
After authorization, you will receive the necessary API details to enter into the EazyBot application.
Potwierdzenie stworzenia API na KucOIN dla EazyBot

Connecting KuCoin to EazyBot #

After logging into your EazyBot account, in the left upper menu next to the logo, select Bot Management > User Exchanges > Add User Exchange and fill out the form by entering:

  1. connection name,
  2. the exchange you want to connect EazyBot to,
  3. API key,
  4. secret key,

i kliknij Save.

Połączenie KuCoin z EazyBot

The connection is now complete, and you can proceed to set up your first trading bot.

Check out my tutorial on “How to set up your first trading bot?”

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