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How to set up your first trading bot?

To set up your first trading bot, you need to have your exchange API configured and your EazyBot wallet funded.

If you have already done this, log in to your EazyBot account, click on the menu (1), then Bots (2), and again Bots (3).

Since you haven’t configured any bots yet, the only available option is to add one by clicking the + button.

This will open the bot creation panel.

Interfejs konfiguracji bota dla giełdy KuCoin pokazujący opcje początkowych ustawień zamówień, automatycznego kapitalizacji, wdrażania strategii EazyBot i tworzenia wielu botów. Zawiera pola dla tytułu, waluty bazowej, opcji bota, statusu i przypisanej kwoty USDT.

Below is a description of the fields you need to fill out:

  1. Exchange – select the exchange where the bot will operate.
  2. Quote Currency – the currency the bot will use for trading.
  3. Automatically selected options (not recommended to change):
    • Auto Compounding – reinvests earned funds back into the bot’s trading balance.
    • Use The EazyBot Strategy – the standard EazyBot trading strategy.
  4. Title – the name of your bot.
  5. Base Currency – the cryptocurrency the bot will trade.
  6. Bot Option – choose whether the bot should run continuously or execute trades only once.
  7. Status – set whether the bot should be active or inactive.
  8. Assigned – the amount of funds allocated for this bot’s trading.

After filling out this simple form, click Save, and your bot will start trading for you.

You can watch the video tutorial below to see how quickly and easily you can set up your trading bot on EazyBot.

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