When depositing funds to the exchange, carefully check which deposit method will be the most beneficial for you and verify exactly how much USDT you will receive after the purchase.
What are Binance fees for purchasing USDT? #
See below. A purchase using a payment card on Binance. Theoretically, I entered an amount that should have given me 600.01 USDT—just enough to fund the EazyBot.
When I clicked “Continue” and proceeded to the payment method selection, I was shown that I would receive 591.13 USDT. At this point, a fee of 8.88 USDT had already been deducted.
After clicking “Continue” again, an Order Confirmation appeared for 579.31 USDT, meaning another fee of 11.82 USDT was applied.
In the end, for the amount of 2,982.10 PLN, I received 579.31 USDT, due to total fees of 20.70 USDT, equivalent to 101.43 PLN.
Let me remind you that the bot is supposed to have 600 USDT available, not 579.31 USDT.
How much do I really need to pay to buy 600 USDT? #
Naturally, the amount you pay for 600 USDT depends on the current USD exchange rate, but below is an example purchase.
For 3,090.30 PLN, I theoretically get 621.78 USDT.
After clicking “Continue,” I am left with 612.58 USDT.
On the confirmation page, it drops to 600.38 USDT.
And in reality, 600.42 USDT arrived in my wallet.
For this amount, I can now comfortably set up the bot in EazyBot.